Tuesday, 21 August 2012

XHTML Validation Ensures Quality Web Pages

XHTML or Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language can be described as an XML based extension of HTML. It is a markup language that is used extensively in web development. XHTML allows one to define the web pages and give a structure to the text and graphics included in it. It follows a stricter syntax and therefore provides code that is cleaner. Another major advantage of XHTML is that it offers better efficiency. XHTML validation is very important as it ensures the quality of the website. The validation process assesses the code to confirm that it follows the various syntax rules and standards that are required.

Validation is important as it provides semantic coding and verifies the document. There are efficient validation tools and software available online that can be used for this purpose. The validation verifies the XHTML document with reference to a document type definition provided. Any errors in the document will be brought to one’s notice along with the location of those errors. There are several benefits to using XHTML in web development.

It allows interoperability with other data formats and is more extensible. Many companies specialize in the sphere of XHTML development. They make sure that the code generated conforms to the regulations put forward by W3C. XHTML provides a set of strict syntax rules and tag rules that have to be considered when coding. The tags in XHTML must be closed and they must follow proper nesting sequence. The tags and their attributes should be in lower case. Following these rules while coding the tags and syntax ensures that the code is proper and thus, the web pages can be coded as per the web standards.